Friday, September 01, 2006

6.00% Patelco Credit Union Flexible Term Bump Certificate

Patelco Credit Union is offering 6.00% apy on their Flexible Term Bump Certificate. You may choose a term from 12-23 months for this certificate. The minimum deposit for this certificate is $1,000. You have a one time option to bump up the rate to a rate currently being offered on Patelco’s regular 12- to 23-month certificate during the term of this certificate. Existing funds at Patelco may fund up to 50% of this certificate.

Field of membership in Patelco Credit Union is open to a wide variety of groups and organizations. Anyone who isn't otherwise eligible for membership can become eligible by joining the California Association for Older Americans which is open to anyone regardless of age or geographic location. Simply indicate California Association for Older Americans on your application for Patelco credit union membership.

Patelco was ranked 11th by assests among credit unions by in 2005. Patelco Credit Union is privately insured by American Share Insurance up to $250,000 per account. This institution is not federally or state insured so if Patelco fails, there is no government guarantee that deposit account holders will get their money back. For more details about American Share Insurance, see the link above.


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